or does it? That's what i pondered as I stood on the scales after a Christmas and New Year of pure gluttony. I had reached a number I hadn't seen for a while - one which i promised myself i'd never be again... yet I was there. At first i was confused... after all many of the foods I had eaten had been mini; mini bagels, mini mars bars, mini burgers... mini pies. Mmmmmmm the mini pies were good.
After a few more moments of awkwardly balancing on the scales, trying to shift a few pounds... I gave up. The only way I could successfully loose the weight I'd gained was to lean casually on the wash basin - hardly a solution to the problem! So I decided at that point action was needed. Major action. That's the moment I decided to embark on a weight loss adventure, a diet that would hopefully turn me into the skinny bean I hope to be. The one that was trapped under the mountain of pies and lard. So I set myself a true challenge: 52 diets in 52 weeks.
The next step was to find a diet to start them all off and I stumbled across it fairly quickly. The Viking Diet. I'd never heard of it, but one week on I've pretty much got to grips with it. There was no pillaging, no need to kill and eat a puffin... but there was a lot of curly kale. Essentially the basis of the diet is to eat like a viking. Sounds horrific on the outset, in reality it was fairly straight forward. Fresh seasonal fruit and veg, lots of fish.. poultry.. game and a little meat, and grains. Not too bad really.
I started that a week ago - so how did i get on? That will be revealed tomorrow... the dreaded weigh in awaits...
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